Often we are too busy mopping the floor to turn off the faucet. We get busy in solving the manifestations of the problem rather than looking at the cause.

A problem well stated is a problem half solved. We never look at the problems afresh - right from ground up. Surprisingly, attempts at identifying the root causes often leads to solutions so simple that you may even fear to express them.

I better dare to be naïve.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Freeing our City Roads from water Logging

Have you ever wondered why our city roads get filled with water the moment it rains for however short duration it may be?
And why the roads in our villages are never filled with water?
The answer is simple.
In the villages flow of water is not restricted. Rainwater just drains out to the sides.
Moreover, water from surrounding houses or buildings does not flow on to the roads unlike in cities.

If you ask an experienced city planner why roads flood in the cities, he or she will say that each city should have a storm drainage system.
Sure, that is one of the solutions. But this is again an idea that originated from London and some European cities in 17th - 18th century.
They felt this need when they already had existing cities.
But for new cities, we need not go for this solution.
If you analyze each of our cities is growing at 10-15% a year. We can plan better for new areas that are coming up.
But in Hyderabad, where I reside, it is not happening.

I would like to propose a very simple solution which does not require any storm drainage planning.
Plan wide roads and leave enough space on either side of the road. This is quite feasible for all the new areas that are coming up in spite of the huge real estate cost that is associated. Have a trench dug at 20 metres on each side of the road along the length of the road. This trench can be deep enough to accommodate one day's rain water.
Have drain points all along the side of the road and lay a pipe from there to these trenches.
All the water that gets collected on the road will run through these pipes into the trenches. Trenches can be much better looking than the one shown. You can have trees planted in these trenches. The water that is collected in these trenches will be absorbed by the soil very quickly and will not lead to any stagnation of water.

Advantages of no water logging on roads are many:
1) Roads will look clean.
2) Roads will last longer. Water is the main reason why our roads get damaged so quickly.
3) No traffic jams when it rains.
4) No siltage or sand accumulating on roads.
5) No overflowing of drains.
6) No missing man-holes.
7) No embarassement before foreigners as to why we can't get such simple things right.
You may ask what about the water that is collected in the buildings. Every building should compulsorily have water harvesting pits and sumps. This water can be used for watering the plants etc

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